Saturday, November 8, 2008


I've been meaning to get to creating my blog and actually have a couple of times but then *ahem* 'life happens' but I figured since I was writing for my FaceBook group - DivineDee - Give Love, Get Love, Share Love - I may as well create a blog as well and then I can ramble on about other stuff as well that interests me apart from Getting Love, Giving Love & Sharing Love *sweet smile*

So what does interest me and may interest you?

Feel Good Stuff

And oh - how to make money online is a definite new interest and I want to share with you my tips as I learn them and comment on what works and doesn't work! There is a lot of passive AND active income to be earned online so why not make it? *giggle* It's an ABUNDANT Universe - money is everywhere for everyone - we just need to accept it sooooooooooooo.....lets take the lil actions we need to take to do so right? RIGHT!

Basically, I am a 'happy chick' & enjoy life & living. I currently live in Dubai, United Arab Emirates which is in the Middle East but I grew up in Hong Kong, studied in California and worked in New York before landing in the desert about 3 years ago ! Don't ask – I don't have a clear idea why I am here but am not complaining :)

Oh and I am the founder of the Happiness Club Dubai so once a month I host a get-together for the general public in the aims for everyone to learn about Happiness and how its a CHOICE we need to make at every given moment in our lives.


Watch this space – it should be an interesting journey.


PamT said...

Hey Sweet Thing!
Congrats on getting your blog up and running. I'm inspired...but still buried in some much-needed clean up before embarking on yet another endeavor.

I am very excited about some personal accomplishments of late and some lessons I have learned. Nothing worth sharing here but it makes me feel to good to have had the experiences.

Let's's a bit of a gloomy fall Saturday here in the mountains of Colorado. My hubby is outside working on a project for which I just rewarded him with a cup of hot chocolate! YUMMM! (of course I got one for myself as well.)

One of my favorite things this time of year is anticipating the snowfalls and breaking away from the routine of daily living to bake cookies or just count the snow flakes. We have not had much of that yet this season but you can be sure it's on the way.

I wish you a splendid day and will look forward to visiting here again.

Watch for my blog one of these days!

Love to you sweetie!

Pam T.

Harry Shade said...
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Harry Shade said...

Hey you beautiful soul!

Congrats on your blog. I am now following you here too. If you would like to follow my blog as well, it is

Make it a great day!
