Monday, November 17, 2008

Don't forget...

....a little goes a loooooooooooooonng way!! *sweet smile*

I come across some wonderful things during my travels on the internet - so much out there that is so uplifting, empowering, full of knowledge, love & happiness its AMAZING !! So much sharing going on....

The other day I think I may have clicked on someone's link on their 'tweet' about the Spiritual Cinema Circle and came across a brilliant short movie - watched it - thought to myself WOW now that was powerful and said ooooooohhhhhh I gotta share this with my group!

Of course ummm I forgot but then the wonderful way the Universe works - just yesterday this wonderful friend of mine Russel decided to share it with his friends and I was like whooooooooooaa what a coinky dink but not really because - nothing is a coincidence! *giggle* So it came back to me because it just HAD to be shared....

I just want you to watch it - take the 16mins or so because it is soooo worth your time and then I would love it if we could discuss it too - I always copy my notes I send to you as posts in the group so that anyone can share their comments, feelings, reactions after the post to share....

So watch and please take a moment to share how it made you feel, how it relates to your own life and how you can make such little changes that could go such looooooooooooooooooooonnng
ggg waysss....

Am so very grateful for each and every one of you in this group - it started as a thought in my mind to share what's in my mind and its amazing how I can share those thoughts with over 700 of you ALL OVER THE WORLD !!! Aye Caramba !! *giggle* YOU GUYS ROCK MY WORLD!

Seriously - a lot of you reply back to this message so it comes to me privately and I am always in awe of your feedback, your love & your warmth & blessings!

I am a blessed child to have folks like you in my life.

Thank you for being who you are - regardless of what you do....

So click on this link, pause the video til it loads fully and watch:

*big, warm, mushy, squishy, tight dee hug and a kiss*

DivineDee ;)

PS A few of you tried nominating me for the Inspire Dubai Awards and needed my contact number *oops* It's 050 376 5945 - thanks again for taking action and the time to nominate me - its appreciated more than you know!

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